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Happy Hookers Bass Club



The Happy Hppkers Bass Club is a member of B.A.S.S. and is located in Morris, IL. The Happy Hookers Bass Club is one of the premier Bass clubs in region 2 in the state of Illinois. The club has a history of over 20 years of hosting tournaments and having fun. Our main goal is to provide a safe and fun fishing environment for the public and anglers alike. Our club host over 25 club and open buddy tournaments throughout the year. Open Buddy tournaments and the Wednesday night series are open to the public, without being a member. The club tournaments are for club members only. So if your wondering what it is like to bass tournament fish or would like to just come out and join in the fun, come out to our events and see what it is all about. If your interested in becoming a member, go to our other website and click on the membership tab at the top of the home page at Remember; Nothing but Fun and Fishing!

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